Tuesday 17 January 2017

Arjuna's Mysterious Death In The Hands Of His Son | అర్జునుడు తన కొడుకు చేతిలో చనిపోవడం వెనుక రహస్యం

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Arjuna's Mysterious Death in the Hands Of His Son | అర్జునుడు తన కొడుకు చేతిలో చనిపోవడం వెనుక రహస్యం...


Arjuna is slain by his son Babhruvahana, who was born out of the Pandava’s marriage to Chitrangada, the princess of Manipur.

Long after the battle of Kurukshetra, Yudhishtira decides to conduct the Aswamedha Yaga. The yaga horse enters the dominion of Manipura, where Arjuna challenges their King Babruvahana for a fight. Babruvahana kills his father in the ensuing battle.

However Arjuna’s snake-wife Ulupi resuscitates him to life by using the magical mritasanjivani gem owned bythe Nagas.

Arjuna’s death in the battle is also attributed to the curse of the Ashta-Vasus. The Vasus, enraged by Arjuna’s deceptive tactic of using Sikhandi as a shield to kill Bhishma (an incarnation of one of the eight Vasus), curse Arjuna that he would be slain by his own son. This curse comes to pass during the battle between Arjuna and Babruvahana.

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