Thursday 2 March 2017

Unrevealed Facts Behind Battle Of Mahabharata Part-1 || కురుక్షేత్ర యుధంలో జరిగిన నిజాలు

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Unrevealed Facts Behind Battle Of Mahabharata Part-1 || కురుక్షేత్ర యుధంలో జరిగిన నిజాలు

Lesser Known Facts of Kurukshetra War in Mahabharata. Here, I focus on such instances and facts of Kurukshetra War. PART-1

The Kurukshetra War, also called the Mahabharata War, is a war described in the Indian epic Mahabharata. The conflict arose from a dynastic succession struggle between two groups of cousins, the Kauravas and Pandavas, for the throne of Hastinapura in an Indian kingdom called Kuru.Popular tradition holds that the war marks the transition to Kaliyuga and thus dates it to 3102 BCE and lasted 18 days.

Day 1

When the battle was commenced, Bhishma went through the Pandava army wreaking havoc wherever he went, but Abhimanyu, Arjuna's son, seeing this went straight at Bhishma, defeated his bodyguards and directly attacked the commander of the Kaurava forces. However, the young warrior couldn't match the prowess of Bhishma, and was defeated. The Pandavas suffered heavy losses and were defeated at the end of the first day. Virata's sons, Uttara and Sweta, were slain by Shalya and Bhishma. Krishna consoled the distraught Yudhishthira saying that eventually victory would be his.

Day 2

The second day of the war commenced with a confident Kaurava army facing the Pandavas. Arjuna, realizing that something needed to be done quickly to reverse the Pandava losses, decided that he had to try to kill Bhishma. Krishna skillfully located Bhishma's chariot and steered Arjuna toward him. The Kaurava army had suffered great losses at the end of the second day, and were considered defeated.

Day 3

On the third day, Bhishma arranged the Kaurava forces in the formation of an eagle with himself leading from the front, while Duryodhana's forces protected the rear. Arjuna attacked Bhishma trying to restore order.

Day 4

The fourth-day of the battle was noted for the valour shown by Bhima. While Abhimanyu was still in his mother's womb, Arjuna had taught Abhimanyu on how to break and enter the chakra vyuha. But, before explaining how to exit the chakra Vyuha, Arjuna was interrupted by Krishna. Thus from birth, Abhimanyu only knew how to enter the Chakra vyuha but didn't know how to come out of it. When the Kauravas formed the chakravyuha, Abhimanyu entered it but was surrounded and attacked by a number of Kaurava princes. Arjuna joined the fray in aid of Abhimanyu.

Duryodhana was distraught at the loss of his brothers. Duryodhana, overwhelmed by sorrow at the loss of his brothers, went to Bhishma at the end of the fourth day of the battle and asked his commander how could the Pandavas, facing a superior force against them, still prevail and win. Bhishma replied that the Pandavas had justice on their side and advised Duryodhana to seek peace.

Day 5

When the battle resumed on the fifth day, the slaughter continued. The Pandava army again suffered against Bhishma's attacks. Satyaki bore the brunt of Drona's attacks and could not withstand them. Bhima drove by and rescued Satyaki. Arjuna fought and killed thousands of soldiers sent by Duryodhana to attack him. Bhima engaged in a fierce duel with Bhishma, which remained inconclusive. The unimaginable carnage continued during the ensuing days of the battle.

Day 6

The sixth day was marked by a prodigious slaughter. Drona caused immeasurable loss of life on the Pandava side. The formations of both the armies were broken. However, Bhima managed to penetrate the Kaurava formation and attacked Duryodhana. Duryodhana was defeated, but was rescued by others. The day's battle ended with the defeat of the Kauravas.

Day 7

On the 7th day, Drona slew Shanka, a son of Virata. The terrific carnage continued, and the day's battle ended with the victory of the Kauravas.

Day 8

On the 8th day, Bhima killed 17 of Dhritarashtra's sons. Iravan, the son of Arjuna and the snake-princess Ulupi killed 5 brothers of Shakuni, princes hailing from Gandhara. The day ended with a crushing defeat of the Kauravas.

Day 9

On the 9th day, Krishna, overwhelmed by anger at the apparent inability of Arjuna to defeat Bhishma, rushed towards the Kaurava commander, the wheel of a fallen chariot in his hands. Bhishma laid down his arms and stood ready to die at the hands of the Lord, but Arjuna stopped him, reminding of his promise not to wield a weapon. Realizing that the war could not be won as long as Bhishma was standing, Krishna suggested the strategy of placing a eunuch in the field to face him. Some sources however state that it was Yudhishthira who visited Bhishma's camp at night asking him for help. To this Bhishma said that he would not fight a eunuch.


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