Thursday 18 May 2017

Top 10 Terrifying Facts About North Korea || నార్త్ కొరియాలో ప్రజల పరిస్ధితి ఇంత దారుణమా || With CC

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Top 10 Terrifying Facts About North Korea || నార్త్ కొరియాలో ప్రజల పరిస్ధితి ఇంత దారుణమా || With Subtitles

North Korea remains among the world’s most repressive countries. Under the Kim family’s rule, basic freedoms and access to needs have been severely restricted and continue to get frighteningly worse. Akin to Hitler’s Germany, North Korea operates secret prison camps where people are violently tortured, abused and forced into hard labour. There is no religious freedom, dissent is silenced through nefarious means and society continues to break down. North Korea shuns the idea of collective co-operation to help itself and others, and may just be a literal hell on earth, isolated as it is from the rest of the world. We bring you 10 weird and bizarre facts about North Korea that will make you thankful that you don’t live there.

1.North Korea follows a “three generations of punishment” rule, meaning that if one person violated the law or sent to prison, their children, parents and grandparents are sent to work with them.

2. Elections are held every 5 years in North Korea, but only one name appears on the ballot list. If a voter wishes to choose someone else, they can do so by crossing the name out, but without any anonymity and privacy.

3. Human faeces is used instead of fertiliser in North Korea, due to the severe lack of resources. The supply shortage is so extreme that the citizens are forced to provide it.

4. Distribution, possession and consumption of cannabis is legal in North Korea, and in fact, is recommended as a healthier alternative to tobacco.

5. North Korea enlists around 2000 attractive women as part of a ‘Pleasure Squad’ who provide entertainment and sexual services for top officials.

6. The North Korean regime has long enforced strict rules on styling one’s hair; most of the barber shops in Pyongyang advertise photos of government-sanctioned haircuts.

7. Wearing jeans is banned in North Korea as it is seen as a sign of American imperialism.

8. In North Korea, possessing Bibles, watching South Korean movies and distributing pornography may be punishable by death.

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