Wednesday 24 May 2017

World's 5 Extinct Creatures Found Again || రాక్షసబల్లుల కాలం నాటి ఈ 5 జీవులు మళ్లీ పుట్టాయి || With Subtitles

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World's 5 Extinct Creatures Found Again || రాక్షసబల్లుల కాలం నాటి ఈ 5 జీవులు మళ్లీ పుట్టాయి || With Subtitles

There are so many animals in this world that have been thought to be extinct for a very long time but recently reappeared to the surprise of the scientific community. It would be best to consider that extinct animals might just have been hiding in the depths of the ocean or in different remote locations all along. Here are 5 animals that have reappeared and were actually mistaken to be extinct before.

1. Coelacanth

This animal was thought to be extinct for 65 million years already until it got discovered back in 1938. This is one of the most popular creatures on the list. They can go down up to 2,300 feet below water and live long on those depths. Coelacanths are considered as huge creatures because they can grow as big as a normal human being.

2. New Guinea Big Eared Bat

3. Lapalma Giant Lizard

This lizard was considered to be gone for hundreds of years. It was rediscovered in 1999. There are not more than 200 of them existing today. They are intelligent lizards, being able to avoid detection for decades.

4.The Clarion Night Snake

5. Lord Howe Island Stick Insect

This creature is also called as the tree lobster. They used to be seen on Lord Howe Island. By 1960, they were declared extinct. In 2001, these creatures were found again in an island called Ball’s Pyramid. Populations of tree lobsters were rediscovered.

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