Monday 21 August 2017

10 Things Today's Women Want From Men || ఈ 10 విషయాలు పాటిస్తే అమ్మాయిలు ఖచ్చితంగా మీ వెంట పడతారు || With Subtitles

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10 Things Today's Women Want From Men || ఈ 10 విషయాలు పాటిస్తే అమ్మాయిలు ఖచ్చితంగా మీ వెంట పడతారు || With Subtitles/CC

10 Things Women LOVE On A Man

Well Fitted Suits

We know the function of suits – high-standard clothing for business and fancy events. Suit aren’t the most commonly worn outfits for first dates BUT the ladies love them every now and then. They like it when you dress to impress for special occasions like your wedding anniversary. They appreciate that effort.

But whenever you wear a suit it’s got to be the right fit. Psychology tells us about the classic “V-shaped” body which is associated with good health and more testosterone.

So women are particularly drawn to well-fitting suits because of how masculine they make a guy look. Trimmed waist, bigger shoulders and hands – these are the factors that command attention.

Any man can put on a suit. But a guy who doesn’t allow the suit to overpower or make him feel uncomfortable is the one who stands out from the rest. He’s the one seen by women and the rest of society as powerful and successful.


A nice scent is often the #1 factor for women in choosing a potential partner. Researchers in Europe have published a study in the Personality and Individual Differences journal about men’s and women’s “mate selection” factors.

It shows women rate olfactory (smell) cues as more important than visual cues. So don’t underestimate women’s sense of smell… it’s pretty sensitive.

Your goal now should be getting the right product that will give you the best scent. Since everybody’s different – it depends on your body chemistry.

You may have to try a number of samples before you find one that truly works. Here’s an article you can read to learn about the different fragrances for men.

Stylish Footwear

They say the eyes are windows to the soul. So that makes shoes the windows to your style. You always want a good pair to show that you pay attention to the small details in style.

Based on your shoes, women can interpret a number of things about you before you start talking. Flimsy shoes make you look cheap. Worn out shoes make it seem like you don’t take care of yourself. But stylish ones – Oxfords, Monk Straps, Italian moccasins etc. – show you’ve got good taste. These are the kinds worth investing in. Women love them because leather indicates wealth and status.

Remember that the type of leather also plays a part. In general suede goes well with social settings while calfskin suits slightly dressier events. These are some basics to follow if you want to bring up your style game.

A Great Smile & Fresh Breath

This last item requires no shopping or rummaging in your closet. It has everything to do with your face – especially your mouth.

There’s an article published in 2013 in the journal Cognition & Emotion that proves how effective smiling is. Research shows smiling is the simplest and cheapest way to make one more attractive.

Smilers are judged as having better health, openness and trustworthiness than non-smilers. It doesn’t matter whether they really feel happy. Women are more likely to be interested in guys who approach them with a smile.

So say cheese all the time. Don’t forget to brush your teeth. Floss regularly and drink lots of water. Use breath mints. And pay your dentist a visit every 6 months. You don’t want to your best smile ruined whenever you need it most! Also see this page for some ways you can get your teeth whitened at home.

A Confident Self

Nothing can replace confidence. You may have fantastic clothes. Your smile may look like it came off an ad. But if you lack confidence, it shows and eventually distracts from everything else.

If you learn to feel great about yourself… everything gets easier! You start believing you’re attractive. Your words and gestures become natural. Your sense of humor comes out. You actually enjoy the occasion. You OWN your look and show no signs of trying hard. And all those things can potentially win a woman over.

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