Tuesday, 29 August 2017

Why 70 Lakh Koreans Consider Lord Rama's Ayodhya As Their Holy Place | కొరియన్స్ పుట్టిళ్లు అయోధ్య | With Subtitles

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Why 70 Lakh Koreans Consider Lord Rama's Ayodhya As Their Holy Place || కొరియన్స్ పుట్టిళ్లు అయోధ్య? || With Subtitles

Why 70 lakh Koreans consider Lord Rama's Ayodhya as their maternal home?

Korea and Ayodhya have a shared history. Shocked? Yes, this is as true as it gets. What is more shocking is that these two millennia-old ties which were only discovered in last decade. Are wondering what are the ties? We all know that Ayodhya the city where Lord Rama was born and it is considered to be one of the holiest cities in India.

The holy city of Ayodhya, play host to hundreds of South Koreans every year. So what brings them to India? They come to pay their tributes to the legendary queen Heo Hwang-ok. What was their queen doing in Ayodhya? It all sounds rather too mysterious. But the story will most definitely shock you.

The city of the Ayodhya has often been called a paradise on earth. In fact, it is believed that it existed since thousands of years. The Korean link to the place dates back to 48 AD, it is believed that Queen Suro or princess Heo Hwang-ok made a journey from the city of Ayodhya to Korea. Suro was carrying a stone which is believed to have calmed the seas while traveling.

Legends also state that due to the stone she reached Korea safely on a boat. She went on to become the first queen of King Suro of Geumgwan Gaya.

In fact, Suro, was only 16-year-old when she got married. And due to this connection, more than 70 lakh people in Korea consider the holy city of Ayodhya as their maternal home.

The Koreans believe that the Princess was the mother of the descendants who helped to bring together various Korean kingdoms in the 7th century. And ever since that happened, Karak went on to become the largest clan in Korea.

Prof Byung Mo Kim, who is a Professor Emeritus of Hanyang University, said, "The queen of Korea's biggest dynasty Hoh was the daughter of Ayodhya and in that manner, Ayodhya is like our mother city. Princess Ho traveled by sea route and married King Kim Suro of Kara dynasty. He was the first king and the entire Kara clan, which comprises over about two-third the population of Korea are its descendents."

The twin fish stone that they Princess was believed to be carrying is the state symbol of Ayodhya. The Professor said, "I have pictorial evidences. The twin fish symbol is originally from the Meditarrenean states and it travelled to this part of the world and settled around Lucknow. But the same twin fish symbol can also be seen in ancient buildings in Nepal, Pakistan, China and Japan and the gate of royal tomb of King Suro in Kimhae city in Korea."

“I share my genes with the royal family of Ayodhya. Travellers from both these countries not just traded goods, but also genes. And I hail from the Kara dynasty, whose first woman was the princess of Ayodhya, who married the first Kara king. Her brothers went on to become the Kings of Ayodhya and this is how I am genetically connected to the holy city,” said Prof Kim. The legend states that the queen died at the age of 157.

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