Tuesday, 24 October 2017

10 Qualities Women Looks For In Men అమ్మాయిలను పడెయ్యాలంటే తెలుసుకోవల్సిన 10 విషయాలు With Subtitles

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10 Qualities A Woman Looks For In A Man | అమ్మాయిలను పడెయ్యాలంటే తెలుసుకోవల్సిన 10 విషయాలు | With Subtitles/CC

Every woman has a laundry list of attributes they desire in a partner. Some, whether it’s height, skin tone, a roguish, Humphrey Bogart-esque face -- or just the way a man’s body fits into a suit -- are skin-deep. Try as we might to score with the women we adore, it’s often impossible to physically change our appearance to fit all of her desires.

There are also qualities a woman looks for in a man that have nothing to do with the size of his biceps or the way he towers over other men in a crowd. These attributes are enticing because they are more about what’s going on inside a man.

Here are 10 desirable qualities that women look for in a man -- from the way he walks into a room to never breaking a promise -- and the reasons why every man should aspire to display these attributes to the opposite sex.

The Top 10 Qualities Women Seek in a Man

If you’re a guy who wants a long-term relationship with a wonderful woman, here's a window into the top qualities women seek in a man.

In this age of hangouts and hookups, swiping right or left, ghosting, benching, and a vast pool of online dating choices, is anyone still looking for marriage or long-term committed relationships?

While there are many who would rather be casual than committed, I believe most people are ultimately yearning for a deep loving connection. If you’re a man who wants that type of relationship, you might want a window into what qualities relationship-oriented women are looking for in a man.

The guy she’s looking for doesn’t have drastic mood swings. He doesn’t unpredictably blow hot and cold. He is steady and shows up in goods times and in a crisis. He has her back, and she feels safe with him.

He tells the truth about who he is and what he wants in a relationship. He’s willing to talk things out, especially when there’s a disagreement.

He can admit when he’s wrong, and let a woman know that he’s hurt without shaming or blaming. He doesn’t get defensive, criticize, or walk away when times are tough. He is willing to talk, even when the stakes are high, because he values the relationship.

She wants to be with someone who can manage his finances. Contrary to popular belief, a mature woman is not looking for a sugar daddy. He doesn’t have to be wealthy, but he does have to manage his money. That means he has financially planned for his present and his future. He doesn’t have big debt that he’s not paying down. He doesn’t spend beyond his means.

She also wants to be with a man who is generous with how he spends his money. He gives to charities. And he doesn’t cheap out on gifts, especially for the woman he loves.

She wants a man who is present when he’s with her. He’s not checking his phone or watching football. When they’re together, he focuses on her. He listens, and he doesn’t offer to help or fix unless she asks.

How do I define respect? If she’s on a gluten-free diet, he calls the restaurant ahead of time to make sure she can eat there. He doesn’t make fun of her weight, height, wrinkles, the color of her hair, or the way she talks. He respects her opinion, even when he disagrees.

Women want a relationship where the attraction is strong. That doesn’t mean the chemistry is a 10 on the first date. They are more interested in being with a guy with whom the connection is so strong, it grows and grows. He loves to touch and be touched, and he’s a great kisser.

Every thing explained in Telugu in our above video. Do not forget to like and share the links...

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