Top 10 Shocking And Unknown Facts || మనల్ని ఆశ్చర్యపరిచే 10 నమ్మలేని నిజాలు || With Subtitles/CC
10 very shocking facts that actually exists. ... Some are shocking, sad and funny. Here are 10 very interesting facts about random things. 10 Shocking Facts About Random Things That You Didn't Know About. Everything Is Crazy. WOW.
Onagadori meaning "Long-tailed Chicken" is a breed of chicken originating Kōchi Prefecture of Japan. The Japanese government designates the breed in Kōchi as a Special Natural Monument. The breed is often confused with the Phoenix chicken.
Colours are Black Breasted Red, Black Breasted Silver, Black Breasted Golden, and White. The leg colour is willow in the Black-breasted variations and yellow or white in the Whites. and Tail of Onagadori is the non-molting tail feathers.
The Japanese Onagadori evolved from the common domestic chicken. They have green junglefowl in their paternal ancestry. It is from the green junglefowl that the non-moulting genes and propensity to perch are derived. The onagadori has also inherited the morphology of the green junglefowl tail. It takes them three or more years to molt. They achieve tail lengths from 12 to 27 feet.
Japanese breeders through the centuries have gone to great pains in the creation and perpetuation of the species. Breeders provide special hutches with perches well above the ground where the tails are kept clean and in good condition.
Pandering to the crowd: panda accused of faking pregnancy in bun fraud case...
Ai Hin showed all the signs she was expecting but only wanted extra food and the trappings of celebrity, say keepers...
Hopes that tiny panda paws would be seen in the world’s first live-broadcast cub delivery have been dashed after Chinese experts suggested the “mother” may have been focusing more on extra bun rations than giving birth.
The slated star of the show, giant panda Ai Hin, had shown signs of pregnancy at the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Centre, according to state news agency Xinhua.
A live broadcast of the event was planned but Xinhua said her “behaviours and physiological indexes returned to normal”, citing experts saying she experienced a “phantom pregnancy”.
The breeding centre, in China’s south-western province of Sichuan, commonly moves pandas that are thought to be pregnant into single rooms with air conditioning and around-the-clock care.
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