Sunday, 19 November 2017

Top 10 Most Dangerous Buildings Where People Are Still Living || ప్రపంచంలో 10 ప్రమాదకర భవనాలు || With Subtitles.

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Video on Top 10 Most Dangerous Buildings That People Actually Still Live In...

Be Amazed at these Top 10 Super Dangerous Buildings That People Actually Still Live In! Castellfollit de la Roca, Spain - Castellfollit de la Roca is a picturesque town in the Spanish region of Catalonia which has been inhabited for over a thousand years. Solvay Hut - A Belgian climber, Ernest Solvay, donated a mountain hut for the Matterhorn in the Alps. It was built over five days in August in 1915 in recognition of the fact that storms or avalanches on mountains can cost lives, and sometimes you need emergency shelter. Meteora Monasteries, Greece - This next super dangerous building is a UNESCO World Heritage Site, close to the town of Kalambaka in central Greece. Xuan Kong Si aka Hanging Temple, China - Floods bring ruin and devastation, but some clever folk have found ways of avoiding the effect of destructive torrents of water. Take, for example, Xuan Kong Si, otherwise known as the Hanging Temple. Runwell Road, Wickford, Essex - A building doesn’t have to be on a cliff side or a mountain ledge to be dangerous. Despite all the best planning in the world, sometimes your house is just in the wrong place. The Pinnock family from Essex claim that they have the most dangerous home in Britain. 

Lichtenstein Castle, Germany - Lichtenstein Castle is a beautiful fairy tale building which is not actually located in the country of Lichtenstein. It’s actually in Germany, in the south-west state of Baden-Wurttenberg, and sits at a height of about 817 metres. Pink Houses, New York - Brooklyn tenants in the Louis H. Pink Houses claim that their homes have been completely neglected by the city authorities. The Leaning Towers of Santos, Brazil - In the city of Santos in Brazil, the waterfront is lined with high rise apartment buildings. It should provide an elegant view from the water, but unfortunately, these buildings tilt to one side like the leaning tower of Pisa. Korowai Tree Houses - The Korowai tribe, from the Indonesian province of Papua, were left mostly undisturbed by the world until 1974. It’s a hot, humid and remote region of rainforest, full of unfriendly animals and with a high risk of flooding. Phoenix House, Hawaii - Have you ever wished that you could live at the foot of an active volcano? Well, now you can. Phoenix House in Hawaii is only four miles away from Mauna Loa, one of the largest volcanos on Earth.

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