Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Top 10 Unknown And Shocking Facts About Ninjas | నింజాల గురించి తెలియని 10 ఆశ్చర్యకర నిజాలు | With Subtitles

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Top 10 Unknown And Shocking Facts About Ninjas || నింజాల గురించి చాల మందికి తెలియని 10 ఆశ్చర్యకర నిజాలు || With Subtitles/CC

10 Fascinating Facts About The Real Ninja History

One of the most famous icons of Japanese martial arts is the ninja. The shadow warriors of ancient Japan have gained an almost supernatural image in recent times. Ninja were one of the greatest covert ops forces in history, but exactly who were they? And does reality match the striking image popular culture has created?

The word “ninja” as we know it is actually a rather recent term. Understanding it, though, first requires look at the Chinese writing system, which the Japanese system is based on. The Chinese word for ninja is 忍者, which Japanese pronounces as “ninja.” A lot of people will mistakenly tell you that the word means “invisible man,” but that’s a misconception. While the second character does roughly mean “person,” the first means “endure,” “spy,” or “hide.” Thus, the word ninja means “a person who endures or spies.”

But, in spoken Japanese, the word for “one who endures or hides” is actually “shinobi mono.” Usually it was shortened to just “shinobi.” This was the common word people used to refer to the clandestine warriors, not ninja.

The word ninja came to be the exclusive term because it was easier to say for westerners. When westerners first arrived in Japan they were held in very high esteem because of their advanced technology. Often they were even more honored than Japanese themselves. “Shinobi” was difficult for westerners to say, so the word “ninja” was adopted by all as the standardized form.

The word for female ninjas, by the way, is kunoichi. It was almost unknown outside of Japan until very recently, thanks mostly to anime. It has a short, but interesting story. The word for woman in written Japanese is 女. It’s made with three individual letters or words: く, which is pronounced “ku.” ノ, which is pronounced “no.” And 一 is pronounced as “ichi.” Ku-no-ichi.

The Origin of Ninja

Who Were Ninja?

What Did Ninja Look Like?

Ninja Manuals

Modern Ninjutsu

The Iga and Koga Clans


Ninja Equipment

Samurai vs. Ninja?

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