Friday 21 July 2017

Proofs Of Today's Science And Technology Used In Ancient India | నేటి టెక్నాలజీకి పునాదులు మన వేదాలు | With Subtitles

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Proofs Of Today's Science And Technology Used In Ancient India - నేటి టెక్నాలజీకి పునాదులు మన వేదాలు - With Subtitles

Shocking Secrets Of The Ancient Vedic Science Revealed!

The Vedic civilization, according to the ancient scriptures, was at a much higher level of development than our modern society.

In Sanskrit “veda” means knowledge. So what kind of knowledge are we talking about?

From the standpoint of current evolutionary theory, the human race is supposed to be at the top of the society development. However, according to the Vedic literature, in a distant past there have been civilizations in the world, the greatness of which we cannot even imagine.

A detailed study of the Vedic texts was held in Bombay in 1975.

It was a scientific “explosion” in physicist circles when the scientists have discovered the vivid description of subatomic level in the Vedas written some five thousand years ago.

The Mahabharata, an ancient historical epic, describes the use of nuclear weapons as follows:

“It was as if all the nature’s forces have been suddenly unleashed. Something dazzling like the sun revolved in circles. Burned with a heat of this weapon, the world was staggering, as in a fever.

Elephants caught fire from the heat and rushed wildly hither and thither in search of protection from the terrible power. Water in the sea turned hot, the animals were dying, the foes were killed and trees were falling in rows under the fury of the forest fire. Elephants blew their trunks fiercely and fell dead on the ground. Horses and chariots were burned on the spot.

Thus, thousands of enemy chariots were destroyed, and then deep silence descended on the sea. Wind began to blow and the earth shined. It was a terrible sight. The corpses of the fallen were mutilated by terrible heat so that they no longer resembled people. Never before have we seen such a terrible weapon and did not hear about it. ” (Drona-parva)

The Vedic texts contain a large number of descriptions of different types of weapons, ranging from primitive stone throwing slings (sarvatobhadra), wall smashing mechanisms (udghatima), to all sorts of high velocity dart throwing devices (yantra-sara), and ending with weapons which damaging force does not have modern analogues.

The tenth canto of Bhagavata Purana describes the various battles with weapons of extraordinary power. Those battles were fought by our ancient ancestors inhabited the planet, as well as representatives from other worlds.

It is obvious that our ancestors were much more highly developed than we are today. Comparing to them we look like babies, at least in technical terms.

It appeared that the city was well-protected even in terms of today’s scientific advancement.

In Vedic literature there are many references to flying saucers. In general, they are called the vimana. Vimanas in the Vedas are divided into two categories:

1) the mechanical machines, similar to airplanes and flying with wings like a bird;

2) and very complex machines that can not be precisely classified, which had unlimited possibilities.

Machines of the first category are described mainly in medieval writings in Sanskrit, along with other various automatic devices and military machines.

There were robots designed in the form of male and female figures that performed various functions. They were made mostly of wood, but perfectly covered with humanlike skin. Their motions were provided by the system of bolts, iron rods, springs and grooves. These figures played musical instruments, served drinks to guests and did other similar services.

Yantrapurusha or man-machine could behave exactly like a real human. It is described in Bhagaya-vastu how an artist visited home of the yantracharya, or a teacher of mechanical engineering. There he was met by a robot-girl who washed his feet and had a resemblance of a real person until he realized that she was unable to speak. However, it is known that there were even speaking and absolutely fantastic sounding robots.

Are we able now, with all our modern science and computer technology, to repeat a similar level of inventive skill? Can we believe that the technical progress, as it is described in the Vedas, has really existed on Earth? Are Sanskrit texts the only proof of greatness of that ancient civilization?

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